The Traffic Light System and Massage

As you are all no doubt aware that on Friday NZ will be moving to the traffic light system. What this means for massage is that at the orange and red levels vaccine passes will be mandated by the rules required for close contact business such as massage in NZ.

What does this mean for you?

Under this mandate close contact business will require that your vaccine pass is sighted and scanned, I will also note in your file that expiry date. I will have the verifier app available, but a paper copy is also ok. Once I have seen and noted the expiry of your pass I will not need to see it again until it is time for it to be reviewed. My QR code is on my door, sanitiser is available.

Please note chat about vaccines, mandates and politics are discouraged in my massage studio.

No Vaccine?

There are still some grey areas, as you may know, I work with people that have lymphedema and lipoedema, these are medical diagnoses and manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) may count as medical massage as Dr’s prescribe it. However, this is a grey area as to what counts as a medical massage and who can give it. So if have chosen not to have a vaccine and have a medical diagnosis that requires MLD there is hope. Once we are in green, it looks like the mandate will allow non vaccinated people to attend close contact businesses.

How to get a Vaccine Pass

This can be downloaded here

If you are feeling unwell or have visited a place of interest then please reschedule.
