Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a safe, gentle and highly effective, hands-on treatment that targets our “fascial restrictions” in the body. It is not the same as massage, massage involves kneading and stroking using a lubricant such as oil or wax. MFR uses minimal lubricant but sustained pressure. 

Fascia is a nerve rich connective tissue that wraps and encases all our cells and organs from the top of our head to the tips of our toes. It is like a river bed in which other structures are located, Healthy fascia is flexible and smooth. When it has trauma, is stressed or over/underworked it can become tight. If this fascia is tight it limits the functionality of the muscles that lie below the surrounding area. The muscles are unable to contract and relax optimally.  Painful knots can be seen as fascial restrictions that are restricting your movements. The goal is to bring you pain relief, clients are often amazed at how effective it is, when other massage techniques have failed. They report feeling taller and lighter often after one session.

Conditions treated include:

Chronic neck and back pain, shoulder and hip restrictions, fibromyalgia, TMJ dysfunction (intraoral techniques), whiplash and headache.

My training is hands on from Fascial IQ, courses taken include: foundations, upper body, lower body, fascial anatomy & scar release. I am working towards my certification.

Why a picture of a spiders web?

Fascia is like a web, and a pull or hitch in one area can effect a part of the web further away.
