Self Management
Once you have met with an MLD therapist you may be curious to see how you can help yourself. You may have heard about compression, pumps, dry brushing, self manual lymphatic drainage, vibration plates, etc. We can talk about these options.
It can seem a little overwhelming, I get it as I have lipedema, as did my Mum.
Here is a link to a great sequence for self MLD from Molly Nettles that is on the FDRS YouTube site.
If you fancy listening to a review of all these sorts of self-help, like dry brushing, vibration plates, pumps and rebounding. Here is a link from the Fat Disorders Research Society,
During your session we will have covered deep breathing, here is a link to a video about that.
If you have lipoedema and have had or are considering liposuction, MLD has many benefits in terms of wound healing, and pain management. Here is a link to another Youtube video from Linda Ann Kahn holistic a Dr Vodder MLD therapist in the USA, very worthwhile if you are planning liposuction. If you have decided to go for surgery and you are planning your surgery, please do contact me and we can book sessions before your operation and post your operation.
Even consider complete decongestion, removing as much of that lymph fluid before your surgery. Masses of information on this international site the Lymph Info Trust of New Zealand.
The Lymph Info Trust exists to improve the quality of life of anyone in New Zealand who has a lymphatic condition. We aim to do this through education and raising awareness.
We empower New Zealanders who are living with:
lipoedema, and
We provide understandable information, education and resources. We do this to help your understanding of oedema and its treatments.
Free access to webinars on Nutrition, Mindfulness and Yoga for Lipoedema
Just do what you can, this is a journey, every little bit you do will help you.I would love to be part of your journey to be the best YOU can be.
Free down load
The book above is packed full of useful advice case histories and knowledge, plus loads of exercises for the pool!
Click on this link above for a free download
The Book of Lymph: The Book of Lymph will give you quick, easy and therapeutic lymph-optimisation strategies, using the simple healing magic of your own touch. The lymphatic system is the body's first line of defence against illness and is responsible for ridding the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. When it's not functioning well, it's easy to see and feel the bloat, puffiness and general malaise it causes. Lisa Levitt Gainsley combines her 25 years of experience as a CLT..Available here
Clinician’s Guide to Lipedema is designed to aid clinicians in diagnosis and patient care. In this guide, you will find highlights on common presentations, physical examinations, patient history, ICD codes, common treatments, and referrals. We hope this guide will empower clinicians to feel more confident in diagnosing Lipedema. The Lipedema Foundation believes that every person deserves a timely diagnosis, disease-specific care, and other forms of support. Useful to print out and take to your clinican.
Definition of Lipoedema
Lipedema is a chronic condition that occurs almost exclusively in women and manifests as symmetrical buildup of often-painful fat in the limbs, sparing the hands and feet. It may also affect the lower trunk, and some patients/clinicians have reported Lipedema tissue accumulation in other areas such as the face/scalp.
Read the document by clicking on the image.
Lipdema as a name is controversial and under review. Read more here